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Crew/Ham EventsLast post
2 Meter Crew EventsSuggest new events and comment on past ones.....17 Topics · 62 PostsLast post: ETHO Protocol - improved than Ethe … · 2 months ago · Charlesmob
General Amateur Radio Events (field day/DX contests etc.)List and comment on amateur radio events....9 Topics · 15 PostsLast post: Pacificon · 5 years ago · wa2gdi
Gear - ham radioLast post
Radiosdiscuss and ask general questions about radios3 Topics · 11 PostsLast post: post your 991-a insides! · 5 years ago · N6CMB - ChrisSubforums: Hybrid Radios · Solid State Radios · Boat Anchors · Radio Modifications · Radio Repairs
AmplifiersThis is the main area for discussing and asking questions about linear amplifiers.....2 Topics · 8 PostsLast post: Mirage 2 meter amp · 6 years ago · NN6EESubforums: HF Tube Amplifiers · HF Solid State Amplifiers · HF Amplifier Modifications/Repairs · VHF/UHF Amplifiers · VHF/UHF Amplifier Modifications/Repairs
AntennasThis is the main area for discussing and asking questions about Antennas...6 Topics · 22 PostsLast post: Buckmaster off center 4 band dipol … · 5 years ago · DarvSubforums: Wire Antenna Designs · Yagi and Other Antenna Designs · New Antenna Designs · DIY Antenna information · Antenna Feed Lines · Anetenna Tuners
Other Amateur Radio Topics/InformationLast post
HF Propagationdiscuss and ask general questions about hf propagation2 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: What about UHF/VHF? · 5 years ago · N6CMB - Chris
Modes of Operation...discuss and ask general questions about different modes of radio operation like SSB, CW, DMR and F8 etc...1 Topic · 3 PostsLast post: Don't trust the manufacturers repe … · 5 years ago · N6CMB - Chris
Amateur Radio Contestingdiscuss and ask general questions about amateur radio contesting1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: HF Contest Calendar · 6 years ago · Cold War Jesus
Amateur Radio Around the Worlddiscuss and ask general questions about amateur radio in countries around the world...0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Your Favorite VHF/UHF Repeaters...List and discuss comment on favorite amateur radio repeaters in your area...3 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: 2 Meter Nets in the North Bay Area … · 5 years ago · Darv
FCC Rules, Regulations and Regulators...discuss and ask general questions about the regulations and their Regulators...1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: The H.A.M. amendment (Well Sort Of … · 6 years ago · W6CRP - Carlos - Walnut Creek
Shopping for Gear...Last post
Bargains and Sales on New Amateur Related Gear..List and discuss bargains on amateur radio that you've seen advertised...0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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New Gear not yet released...List and discuss gear that has not yet been release or rumors about new gear in the works...0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Used gear...List and discuss used gear for sale that you may have or have seen listed somewhere else...4 Topics · 10 PostsLast post: Yaesu ft-736r · 6 years ago · Cold War Jesus
The Gear Locker...Last post
Crew Lounge...Discuss anything you any why you want that's legal.....We're Americans here .... and we strongly believe in Free Speech of any kind !18 Topics · 42 PostsLast post: Calabash Pipe · 4 years ago · Cold War Jesus
Strange Ham Events...discuss and comment on any strange things you've experienced or heard about, especially while operating your radio....1 Topic · 3 PostsLast post: Strange Radio Events - (Found On T … · 6 years ago · KM6UFY - Bob - Pleasant Hill
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